Live Coverage of Trump Trial: Michael Cohen Questioned Intensively About Crucial Phone Call Regarding Stormy Daniels' Hush Money Payment

Live Coverage of Trump Trial: Michael Cohen Questioned Intensively About Crucial Phone Call Regarding Stormy Daniels' Hush Money Payment

Donald Trump’s hush money trial concluded for the week after an intense day of cross-examination on Thursday. Key witness Michael Cohen faced rigorous questioning from defense attorney Todd Blanche. Cohen, who once served as Trump’s “fixer,” spent the entire day on the stand in Judge Juan Merchan’s Manhattan courtroom.

The defense's questioning largely focused on Cohen’s previous instances of lying under oath. Cohen acknowledged these past lies, explaining they were to protect Trump, his former boss.

Blanche scrutinized whether Cohen, who received tens of thousands of calls annually, could accurately recall the details of a specific 90-second call in 2016.

Throughout his testimony, Cohen remained composed and firm. He described to the jury the alleged strategy by Trump’s inner circle to delay the $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels in October 2016, intended to buy her silence about a sexual encounter she claimed occurred with Trump in July 2006.

Judge Merchan has instructed both sides to prepare for closing arguments on Tuesday.